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Metricfy is a B2B SaaS that started back in February 2017 and was public launched in September 2017.

The Metricfy definition & design process

Metricfy was born with the purpose to solve the attribution problem in marketing advertising, the first developed product was the Dashboard which is used by Marketers to merge their channel advertising data and control the main KPIs of its Ads campaigns.

The Metricfy definition & design process

Metricfy was born with the purpose to solve the attribution problem in marketing advertising, the first developed product was the Dashboard which is used by Marketers to merge their channel advertising data and control the main KPIs of its Ads campaigns.



  1. Create an interface to easily build custom dashboards
  2. Re-think the standard dashboard creation to be more user-friendly.
  3. Achieve an onboarding without technical assistance in the shortest possible time
  4. Create the Metricfy Design System
  5. Create an agile workflow to avoid design bottle-necks


  • Sketch app
  • Flinto
  • InVision
  • Atom
  • Jira
  • GitHub


  • Sketch app
  • Flinto
  • InVision
  • Atom
  • Jira
  • GitHub


When we started the Metricfy product development we already had an idea of what we needed to create based on user research done by us, the founder team, during the previous weeks. We run 60 interviews in just 1 week with CMOs and Marketing Leaders in order to validate our hypothesis about attribution and Ads managing. 

My main role on this project was to collaborate on the ideation and create low-fidelity sketches of the new features within the CTO regarding business requirements and user research conclusions, and then I translated them to high-fidelity mockups in Sketch.

One of the big challenges was to create an scalable Design System, that will keep consistent in the future thinking in how the product will evolve. Also, a deep understanding of the dashboards competitors was needed in order to innovate and improve usability.

I also aligned with Marketing and worked with the CMO in marketing materials, including public web page, illustrations, Social Media materials, How To's videos, product documentation... etc.



 JUNE 2017
2 months of development

Private BETA Dashboard

> One static dashboard
> AdWords integration
> Metricfy script working
> First costs metrics



Private BETA Dashboard
JUNE 2017 ⇢ 2 months of development

> One static dashboard
> AdWords integration
> Metricfy script working
> First costs metrics

Private BETA Dashboard
JUNE 2017 ⇢ 2 months of development

> One static dashboard
> AdWords integration
> Metricfy script working
> First costs metrics


Public Dashboard v.1
SEPTEMBER 2017 ⇢ 5 months of development

5 months of development
Public Dashboard v.1

> Three customizable dashboards
> Dashboard builder
> Event Builder
> Eleven new metrics

Public Dashboard v.1
SEPTEMBER 2017 ⇢ 5 months of development

> Three customizable dashboards
> Dashboard builder
> Event Builder
> Eleven new metrics

New Onboarding
JANUARY 2018 ⇢ 8 months of development

New Onboarding
JANUARY 2018 ⇢ 8 months of development

In order to reduce the frictionless during the onboarding (connect with paid channels and add the Metricfy script) we create a 3 steps process which reduced the employed time from 15 min to 2 min.

Payment flow & Attribution v.1
April 2018 ⇢ 11 months of development

Payment flow & Attribution v.1
April 2018 ⇢ 11 months of development

Listening our customer's requirements, we defined the Attribution product in order to achieve the business goals of these quarter. Also, with the first paying customers, we needed to reduce manual work during the account upgrading process and create the new flow -plan details and payments.  During the previous months I was working on the v.1 of our design system, we applied the new UI with a set of usability and data visualizations improvements.

The Metricfy
Design System

The Metricfy
Design System








Selected Works

Addeco empléAteApp design

MetricfyProduct Design